Thursday 20 January 2011

Save Over Fourteen Thousand Pounds with this Business Opportunity

There are still a few finishing touches to add to the website but it's live, it's rather lovely and it's lacking only you.

Go to and see how you can make a living promoting Care Promote. We do care how you promote us but essentially we do the caring and you do the promoting.

At £773 all in, you're tapping into a multi-billion pound industry (estimates vary between around £4bn and £24bn!) for a fraction of what you would pay for a franchise - and you don't have to manage any carers or arrange any care.

In fact, all you do is promote Care Promote, and only sell our care services yourself if you want to. The payment structure is very simple.

Franchises in the care industry range from £15,000 up to £35,000 and more - for which you get all the headaches of running a complex business and probably no more financial reward than you will get from Care Promote.

And you're saving yourself between £14,000 and £34,000 - or more!

So, we manage the care, while you just manage yourself and promote your branch of the Care Promote 'money tree'.

Nice work if you can get it, and you can get it if you can afford just £773!

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