Wednesday 2 February 2011

Can you 'Invest' Fifty Pence a Day?

Given that you can expect to be in profit after the first month, investing that amount for two years' worth of business is what we like to think is a 'no brainer'.

We thought we had a simple business model - and we did - but by simplifying it even more at our end we have been able to cut our costs and make the Care Promote business an even better deal for you than it was before.

I don't think we really believed we could do it either, so we're pretty pleased with ourselves. What this means is you can easily afford to join us right away, so we can grow more quickly and the care business will get the marketing and funding it needs even sooner.

We'll publish full details of the new reward structure within a few days. But for now, start saving your fifty pees!

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Sunday 30 January 2011

Recruiting Sales Reps or Agents

An extract from our 'Sales Process Document' that you won't find on the Care Promote website, that explains more about this fabulous opportunity for sales reps:

"Recruit other Agents/Promoters. If you already know other sales reps and marketers who would be interested in joining Care Promote you have a fantastic head start! We suggest you make a list of these people and also respond to adverts and approaches from people looking for sales jobs. If you have a list like this we want to hear from you.

These people could easily be your first recruits after you’ve signed up and have your personal code. Without your personal code they can’t be allocated to you.

Then, once you’re signed up you can be just a few weeks away from profit and a few months away from financial freedom...

(Actually, if you have a list of likely candidates you could be days away from profiting.)

...We offer excellent financial rewards for dedicated people with sales or marketing experience, enthusiasm and ability."

Friday 28 January 2011

"A Great Opportunity..."

A quote from Facebook a short time ago summed up Care Promote almost perfectly.

It was:

"A great opportunity for sales people and marketers to help launch a fabulous business that will transform the lives of thousands of people."

I say almost perfect because it left out one vital component: the potential for profit!

So, let's say Care Promote is "a great opportunity for sales people and marketers to make good money from helping to launch a fabulous business that will transform the lives of thousands of people."

Now, would you enjoy being a part of that?

Monday 24 January 2011

The Seven things to look for in a Business Opportunity

There are seven things you must know about any business opportunity before you potentially waste thousands of pounds of your hard-earned (or borrowed) money.

Our FREE report quickly explains them all, saving you months of frustration (and maybe much worse) with just a few minutes' reading.

Just enter your name and email in the form on this page and we'll send you your free five-page report right away.

If you're planning on investing anything in a business opportunity, even an opportunity as simple and inexpensive as Care Promote, can you afford NOT to take these seven important factors into account?

Friday 21 January 2011

Care Franchise with No Barrier to Entry

Care Promote compares well with any other care franchise you can find.

Two things set it apart:
  1. The cost of entry is well under £1,000 - compared with £15,000 to £35,000 for other care franchises...
  2. WE take care of the caring, so all you have to do is promote our service

In other words, you'll be tapping into the multi-billion pound care business, without the need for any experience in the industry.

Too many franchise businesses are just an expensive way to buy yourself a job - one that demands all your time, pays you too little and costs the earth to get into in the first place.

With Care Promote you can work full-time or part-time, so your life is your own, you can earn well in that time AND it only costs £773 to start. You can expect to be in profit - that's with all your investment repaid and money flowing into your account - within a month.

How long will it take you to pay off a £35,000 debt? A year, two years, longer?

See the video below to see how Care Promote's uniquely simple system works, then call Care Promote on 0845 0609 811 and discuss how you can join us, or see the website for more details.