Wednesday 2 February 2011

Can you 'Invest' Fifty Pence a Day?

Given that you can expect to be in profit after the first month, investing that amount for two years' worth of business is what we like to think is a 'no brainer'.

We thought we had a simple business model - and we did - but by simplifying it even more at our end we have been able to cut our costs and make the Care Promote business an even better deal for you than it was before.

I don't think we really believed we could do it either, so we're pretty pleased with ourselves. What this means is you can easily afford to join us right away, so we can grow more quickly and the care business will get the marketing and funding it needs even sooner.

We'll publish full details of the new reward structure within a few days. But for now, start saving your fifty pees!

Tuesday 1 February 2011